What is a complex society and how it formed?

What is a complex society

What is a complex society and how it formed?

There are certainly a variety of perspectives on the complexity and the problems that are priority ones. This work is based on the theory of the complex social systems, known as one of the most recognized proposals at the beginning of the 2nd century. In various academic fields, it is entirely accepted that the perspective of complexity, and especially that of social systems theory, offers good elements to elaborate a diagnosis of modern societies and the conditions in which they operate. Furthermore, this diagnosis has been reflected in different disciplines. Do you know what is a complex society? However, the fact remains that in that region the implications of a complex society are still little known and its premises hardly incorporated in the analysis of contemporary social orders.

What is a complex society?

Within this framework, this work offers a unique interpretation of the characteristics that complexity gives to modern society and the problems that this condition poses to the “Demands” of unity or coherent and orderly integration of contemporary societies. We approach this problem considering a triple relationship: integration-social differentiation-complexity.

Along these lines, the concept of complexity is a “Form of observation” by means of which – and with the help of certain theoretical advances. The limitations shown by the classical treatment of the relationship between states of modernization can be overcome. And the levels of integration of contemporary societies postulated by classical functionalism. What’s more, through this scheme of relations, it is possible to show with all clarity the importance of complexity in the analysis of modern societies and the elements. The new systems theory radically distinguishes it from its classical uses and visions because the notion of complexity is not new.

In any case, the work maintains that complexity modifies the conceptual weight of the notion of integration of society. In principle, this results from complex society being characterized by not articulating all systems simultaneously and “Chains” under logic or sense.

As a result of complexity, society is integrated in a segmented way and through highly selective processes, and not – as was argued – as an ordered and coherent social whole. In short, it is integrated without a center and without a vertex that orders it in everything and for everything. To give truth to this objective, I proceed as follows. In the first place, I describe the classical postulates that determined the differentiation-integration conceptual axis. And I try to indicate its limitations. For this, the theory of modernization and the assumption of the adequacy of the social system will be useful. In that description, I understand differentiation and complexity as constitutive elements of the social order.

Social integration: the classic premise and its problems

Within the social theory, there has always been a tension between modernization processes and the capacities of the social order to integrate into an orderly fashion given those processes. As is known, this tension showed that there were clear deficits in the interpretation of the relationships between modernization and integration. Analytical limitations manifested themselves in different levels and areas.

Grossly and theoretically, the main weakness was the excessive correspondence that traditional – and classical – visions established between modernization and the forms of integration of societies.

To the traditional premise that – with its strongly normative load – postulated that there should be an adequate level of integration in the face of greater modernization, one can precede another that recognizes that modernization fosters dimensions of disintegration that are inherent to the order that it stimulates and stabilizes.

Social differentiation: its forms and integration

The complexity that a social system can achieve depends on the form of its differentiation. A segmented society is, for example, less likely to reach a complexity similar to that of a society differentiated by functional and autonomous systems. The complexity levels also determine how systems communicate, relate, and link with their environments. It is from this link that the issue of complexity is considered in systems theory. Classically, the problem is posed as follows: if the environment is always more complex than the system, under what conditions can the system stably sustain relations with the system? The relevance of the question is revealed if the classical definition of complexity is considered

Complex society and integration: a synthesis

As I have indicated, social differentiation -especially the form functionally gradient increases complexity, and this, selectivity requirements 35in communication between systems and environments. The triple link between differentiation, complexity and selectivity definitely breaks with the idea of a coherently integrated social system. Each part “Works” to complement the task of the other components under a general orientation.

Fragmentation, segmented splicing is now a condition of order, a product of social complexity. Integration then takes on a new dimension and a new analytical status. It is a more relaxed status because a complex society has characteristics different from the social orders that designed the classical theories and their premises.

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