The top ten benefits and properties of red wine

Red wine benefits

The top ten benefits and properties of red wine

Throughout history, different civilizations have firmly believed in the properties of red wine: a series of characteristics that, apparently, make it a great ally for human health:

Antioxidant, anticancer, analgesic… Positive results to treat heart or cardiovascular diseases, to combat cholesterol… Its composition has even been related to the reduction of stress, anxiety, and mental health.

There are many functions that have traditionally been assigned to this ancient drink. And although science has managed to disprove more than one, it also confirms some of the medicinal properties of red wine.

In fact, doctors usually recommend having a daily drink, if possible, after dinner or accompanied by healthy foods such as fish, vegetables, lean meat, or bread. Others advise consuming it often but without necessarily forcing a daily drink, but rather enjoy it in a measured way when the body asks for it.

In short, although each specialist has their own view on the matter, the properties of red wine for health care are more than recognized by the scientific community and can become very interesting in the long term.

Benefits and properties of red wine

Red wine properties

When we ask ourselves what properties red wine has, it is very important to apply a critical sense and not let ourselves be seduced by the myths surrounding this drink. And it is that the Internet is a wonderful window to knowledge and quality information, but it is also a source of hoaxes and myths in all areas.

The truth is that yes: red wine has healing properties that can help alleviate the effects of certain diseases or pathologies and, in general, lead to a healthier and more pleasant life.

Remember that before enjoying it you must check if the wine is minced so as not to take any surprises.

Our experts highlight these 10 benefits:

Prevents Heart Disease

The properties of red wine for the heart are some of the most studied by the scientific community and spread throughout the world. And it is not for less: Although it does not serve to cure diseases as such, its high concentration of polyphenols and vitamin E does help keep the blood and blood vessels clean: something very beneficial for long-term heart health.

Helps Prevent Cholesterol

As we have already mentioned, this drink is very rich in polyphenols such as resveratrol: a component with a high concentration of antioxidants that prevents the formation of clots and low-density lipoproteins (LDL or ‘bad cholesterol).

Increases Omega 3 Levels

Prestigious researchers and universities around the world agree that regular (and moderate) wine consumers have a higher concentration of Omega 3 fatty acids in their blood: an essential element for the proper functioning of the body.

Prevents Osteoarthritis

An average of between five and ten glasses of tina a week could reduce the chances of contracting rheumatoid arthritis by 50%, according to studies carried out in different parts of the world.

Reduces The Risk Of Cancer

As many people know and we have already mentioned, many of the properties of red wine lie in its antioxidants. Among other positive effects for health, these components are really useful to reduce or delay the risk of cancer of different types. Especially colon, breast, or lung.

Slows Down Aging

Aging is something inevitable. However, it is possible to delay or slow down the process if you lead a healthy lifestyle and regularly consume components related to longevity. For example, resveratrol: is an element that is concentrated in the skin of red grapes.

Protects The Skin

The properties of red wine on the skin lie in its flavonoids: a component that strengthens your cells and manages to reduce the negative consequences of exposure to ultraviolet rays.

Helps Lose Weight

On many occasions, it has been considered a myth, but in recent years several studies have confirmed that certain components of red wine allow the activation of a gene that hinders the formation of adipose (fat) cells.

Strengthens Cognitive Abilities

Consuming red wine on a regular and moderate basis helps reduce the cognitive deterioration typical of age and, with it, dementias and degenerative brain diseases.

A Happier Life

Finally, red wine is related to the increase in endorphins: a natural substance famous for its ability to relieve pain from different causes, avoid depression, and, ultimately, have a happier life.

All these healing properties make red a real jewel for people’s health, beyond the pleasure that this extraordinary drink provides.

If you want to take advantage of the properties of red wine, Dehesa de Luna offers you the best red wines in Spain; ecological and exquisite products that will make you see life from another perspective. Specifically, we recommend our Dehesa de Luna Orígenes, a special red wine that reflects our history and culture.

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